文章 (Atom)
Photo by Pavan Trikutam on Unsplash Introduction The calling convention is a specification which describes how parameters are passed to a f...
Photo by John Gamell on Unsplash Introduction In the previous article , two files related to calling convention are introduced: <Arch...
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash 前言 所謂的呼叫慣例是指一個規範,這個規範描述了函式的參數如何傳遞、返回值式怎麼返回等等的議題。不同的處理器架構通常會有不同的呼叫慣例。比如: 在 x86 的架構中,函式的參數傳遞會以堆疊來完成。但在 Arm 的架構中...